They’re dedicated, motivated, and, ultimately, brilliant at what they do.
is a badge of honor employers give to recognize exceptional efforts.
Listen February 9th to be inspired by their dedication and commitment to excellence.
Hear first-hand what motivates them and gain valuable
insight into how you can achieve your own success.
Celebrate Rockstar Employees, February 9th on myFM

ROCKSTAR EMPLOYEES: Tim Crawford with Scott's Shoe Store
Today we go step-by-step with Tim Crawford of Scott's Shoe Store in Renfrew. Tim's 20 years as a sales representative for Scott's Shoes started through Renfrew Collegiate Institute's Co-op program, and he says the best way for young workers in that position to get ahead is to be ...
Feb 09, 2023

ROCKSTAR EMPLOYEES: Sharron Richard with Renfrew's Tim Hortons
Today we talk shop with Sharron Richard, a front counter worker at our local Tim Horton's with over ten years experience making people's day brighter. Sharron says her secret to keep a constant flow of good customer service at the O'Brien Road Tim's is to keep the pace up and rea...
Feb 09, 2023

ROCKSTAR EMPLOYEES: Will Vincent with Renfrew RE/MAX
Today we go house hunting with Will Vincent of Renfrew RE/MAX. Will's a third generation real estate agent; his dad and grandmother run the local business. While he was set to join them at RE/MAX down the road, the youngest Vincent says graduating straight out the pandemic change...
Feb 09, 2023

ROCKSTAR EMPLOYEES: Lori McNulty, Chris and Tanya's No Frills
Chances are if you've been to Chris and Tanya's No Frills or any of it's predecessors in Renfrew over the past 36 years, you've met Lori McNulty at least once. Lori says the reason she's been a valued member of Loblaw's branded grocery stores in Renfrew for over three and a half ...
Feb 09, 2023

ROCKSTAR EMPLOYEES: Mary-Ann Rosien, Registered Practical Nurse with the RCDHU
As a registered practical nurse in Renfrew County and District Health Unit's vaccine team, Mary-Ann Rosien has been a vital part of protecting the well-being of our community during the pandemic. Her job has centered around the preparing and running the clinics that the RCDHU has...
Feb 09, 2023