You’ve likely seen the roadside signs heralding another “Save the Grove Again” campaign that seemingly sprung up overnight- and a calming release under signature of the Town’s Mayor is adding fuel to that fire this afternoon (added fuel to the fire Friday).
It is now confirmed that certain of the lands surrounding the Galilee Centre at 398 John Street North have been sold.
Mayor Lisa McGee’s letter indeed begins, “I am writing this to provide clarity on an issue that has gathered increasing attention in recent days. Namely, the recent sale (and speculation regarding some) of the lands surrounding the Galilee Centre…”
This is also reflected in a video which accompanies the “Save the Grove Again” online petition.
Much of the land surrounding the Galilee Centre has long been zoned as “development lands.”
To this point, no application has been received by the Town- either for a single lot building, or a subdivision.
For either, an Environmental Impact Study would also be required, and a Zoning Change Application necessary.
A further obstacle would apply after mid-October of this year, when a new Provincial Policy Statement will come into force and effect.
Essentially, the Town’s message, is, “Chill.”
Writes Mayor McGee, “At this time, the purchase and sale of these lands is a civil matter between the two parties.”
Petition organizers indicate there’s an interest in the adjacent acreage that’s been expressed by the Nature Conservancy of Canada, and advocate this land use strategy as an alternative.
The Save the Grove Again petition can be accessed at
By Rick Stow