The Town of Renfrew has given a long-standing team of volunteers proper recognition and definition for their work enhancing local recreation.
Town council has adopted a new Terms of Reference for the Recreation Fundraising Committee, which Clerk Carolynn Errett explains has been fundraising for additional recreational opportunities in town since 1995.
Errett adds that, along with defining the group’s responsibilities as Smart Serve-qualified bartenders at the local arena and surrounding park, the new document also sets a clear definition of the team’s mandate, responsibilities, and membership requirements, as laid out in their constitution.
It also rebrands the group as something other than a committee, as per the definitions laid out in the procedural by-law.
Mayor Tom Sidney and Councilor Clint McWhirter, who also sits as the chair of the Recreation Fundraising Team, would note just how much of an impact the team has had in creating new opportunities for recreation that would have otherwise needed taxpayer funding since forming back in the mid-1990’s.
While town staff have worked with the group to redefine their responsibilities and establish their work properly under the confines of the town’s procedural by-law, the group’s constitution will continue to be in effect, and they are expected to continue to support recreation initiatives within the community as usual.
(written by Kasey Egan)