While COVID-19 may be claiming new victims in the under 40 age group, the Ontario Health Coalition is cautioning Premier Ford not to take the situation in the Province’s longterm care homes for granted.
Seniors were hardest hit in during the first wave of the virus, and numbers are rising again.
The OHC notes the rate of Increase in COVID-19 among Staff, Residents, and Patients in Ontario’s Health Care Settings has more than doubled over the month of September.
The organization has tracked 90 currently active outbreaks, 33 of which started from the end of August.
Ottawa has 11 outbreaks in long-term care alone, the worst of which are at homes operated by Extendicare.
(On September 22nd) West End Villa reported ninety-two residents and staff have contracted COVID-19 since August 30 when the outbreak was declared.
Laurier Manor in the Nation’s Capital has 16 cases.
While it may not be making headlines, the OHC has also found 19 active outbreaks in hospitals, and 26 active outbreaks in retirement homes.
The report tracking of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Health Care Settings is available on the Coalition’s website.