Here’s what’s going on in Renfrew over the next 48 hours.
TODAY: RCI’s Visual Arts Department will be hosting an adult paint night next Wednesday March 26th from 5:30-7:30pm. Participation is $35 and registration is required. Email Natalie Stevens at stevensn@rcdsb.on.ca for more information or to sign up, or contact the RCI main office (613-432-4858). No experience required! Participants in this activity should be 12 and over. Our next children’s paint night will be coming in April. Proceeds from these events support the Visual Arts Department.
TODAY: Celebrate the grand opening of Mental Care’s new office at 7 Argyle Street South in Renfrew this Wednesday! Event features presentations from the whole team. From 3-4:30 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m. More information at www.practicelovingcaring.com.
TOMORROW: Renfrew Public Library’s original book club, Love of Literature, returns this Thursday at 6:00 pm! Share your thoughts on each month’s shared novel, and delve into deep discussion about it. Newcomer can get up to speed at this meeting and get started on next month’s read! Save your spot online.
TOMORROW: The Renfrew County District School Board invites you to a consultation this Thursday at Renfrew Collegiate Institute to provide input into our next 4-year Strategic Plan. Your insights are invaluable in identifying priorities and actions that ensure education and community initiatives flourish. Together we can continue to build strong, connected communities where everyone can thrive. Sign up through eventbrite.
Tap or click here for more community events.
Local Sports:
Renfrew Minor Baseball is taking registration ahead of the start to their season in May! Families are encouraged to register by March 31st to avoid late fees. Head to their website for more information.
The Renfrew Minor Soccer Club is still accepting players as their offseason continues. A $25 late fee will be applied for last minute registration from March 16th-31st. Find out more here.
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