Jamie Bramburger was laid to rest yesterday at Holy Trinity Anglican Church following his untimely death on March 11th.
Former MPP Sean Conway delivered an emotional eulogy of his long-time friend Jamie.
Family members, friends and local dignitaries were on hand for the service which was also broadcast on YourTV and livestreamed on YouTube.
At all three Algonquin College campuses, including Pembroke, where Jamie had served as interim dean, coworkers, colleagues, and students came together to support one another as they watched the service. Reverend Matthew Brown presided over the service during which time he made mention of the comments made by Hockey Night in Canada Broadcaster Ron McLean calling Bramburger the “Second Pembroke Peach”; the first being Lumber Kings legend and NHL star Frank Nighbor over 100 years ago.
Following the service, a procession of vehicles made it’s way down Sandy Beach Road towards the St. George’s Cemetery near Alice. Area residents lined the streets and stood in driveways honouring the memory of one of the Ottawa Valley’s favorite fallen sons.
(Written By: Richard Evans)