Is it paid for; is it not?
A ceremony was held January 27th of this year at Arnprior Regional Health. A ribbon was cut. We have the pictures.
The much-needed CT Scan had been in service since December 3rd of 2024.
Health Minister Sylvia Jones was to be on hand for the ceremony- but that was the day Premier Ford called the snap election, and the ribbon was cut without her.
Turns out a few assumptions may have been made prematurely, based on correspondence received by McNab-Braeside, and discussed Tuesday.
Here’s Mayor Lori Hoddinott
The March 4th letter from Ben Gardiner Executive Director of the ARH Foundation requests Township Council continue its 50k contribution for this year and next, as pledged.
McNab-Braeside CAO Lindsay Lee says, “No. You were supposed to ask us each year.”
To complete the political football metaphor, the March 4th ARHF letter was penalized for no yards.
By Rick Stow