Here’s what’s going on in Renfrew over the next 48 hours.
TODAY: Hospice Renfrew hosts it’s latest Caregiver Wellness Gathering this Tuesday from 3-5 pm at their Albert Street office. Free to all unpaid caregivers in the Renfrew County area, these gatherings are a special time set aside once a month for unpaid caregivers to relax, socialize, enjoy some laughs, snacks, to let you know you are not alone and to be pampered by taking part in a wellness session. Call 613-433-3993 ext. 2236 for more information and to register.
TODAY: The Town of Renfrew invites you to a Seniors, Parents, and Tots Skate this Friday from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the myFM Centre on Pad #2. These exclusive time slots allow for a more casual experience that’s perfect for younger and elderly skaters, as well as for taking your tot along in a stroller. Don’t forget your helmet!
TOMORROW: Renfrew and Area Seniors Home support is hosting a $10 Lunch Break this Wednesday, featuring your choice of tuna, chicken salad, or ham and cheese sandwich on a Kaiser bun, plus a strawberry blondie and a bottle of water! Contact shannon@renfrewhomesupport.ca for more info or to get your selection menu and sign up sheet for your office.
TOMORROW: The Township of Horton welcomes you to their monthly Soup and Sandwich Social, this Wednesday 11:30 to 1:30 inside the Horton Community Centre! Drop by on your lunch break to catch up with friends in the community over a warm meal available by donation courtesy the Horton Catering Group.
Tap or click here for more community events.
Local Sports:
Renfrew Minor Baseball is taking registration ahead of the start to their season in May! Families are encouraged to register by March 31st to avoid late fees. Head to their website for more information.
The Renfrew Minor Soccer Club is still accepting players as their offseason continues. A $25 late fee will be applied for last minute registration from March 16th-31st. Find out more here.
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