Despite hundreds of years of mystique and secrecy around the international organization, the second-in-command of Renfrew’s Masonic Lodge says it’s really a not-so-secret society.
Richard Dean says the local chapter’s penchant for improving their community dates back to the castle-builders of the 1700’s, who formed brotherhoods built around supporting each other for mutual benefit based on the golden rule: always do to others what you would like them to do to you.
You can find Lodge members keeping various sites around town clean, including a portion of Gillan Road that the group adopted or the Thompsonhill Cemetery. They also provide support to various local causes and initiatives through their Renfrew Charity Focus Group, such as a recent snowsuit drive for a family who was without winter clothing.
Dean says he’s most fond of their work to provide affordable housing options through the O’Brien Apartments, a 17-unit complex owned by the local Masons that also acts as their local headquarters.
He adds that the local freemasons are always looking to add to their membership, although there is one caveat; the masons don’t extend invitations to anyone, and people looking to join will have to grab the bull by the horns and reach out to a lodge member on their own.
Hear more from Dean about how our local freemasons leave an impact on our community below: