Shannon Williams is the development co-ordinator at Renfrew and Area Seniors' Home Support. (Sherry Haaima photo)
According to Shannon Williams, the phrase ‘It takes a village’ not only applies to raising children, but also to supporting seniors in our community.
The development co-ordinator for Renfrew and Area Seniors’ Home Support says now is the time for the community to please show their support for the vital services the organization offers.
The ongoing Canada Post strike has thrown a wrench into a major Home Support fundraiser – the Green Envelope Campaign.
While there is partial funding from the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care, the majority comes from donations, fundraising campaigns and memberships, said Williams.
When it was time to launch the campaign, there were rumblings about the pending strike, so they decided to postpone mailing out the envelopes.
There is a wide variety of programs on offer through Home Support, including volunteer drivers for medical appointments, the Going Home program that provides 10 frozen homemade meals for those coming out of hospital, the Friendly Visiting program, telephone assurance and more.
The programs are incredibly important for those who use them, as well as their families.
And while they hope the strike comes to a resolution soon and they can launch the campaign in earnest, they welcome donors to show their support as soon as possible.
The organization can also accommodate e-transfers, as well, said Williams.
Along with donations, the public can donate at any of the Home Support events. Next up is the Christmas Dance at the Horton Community Centre Dec. 1, featuring executive director Dennis Harrington’s band Heritage Country.
And there is still hope that the traditional Green Envelope campaign will return to its successful fun just as soon as the strike is over, said Williams.
For more information or to donate, visit renfrewhomesupport.ca .
(Written by Sherry Haaima)