Here’s what’s going on in Renfrew over the next 48 hours.
Stuff to do:
ALL MONTH: The Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation’s Put Your Breast Foot Forward Virtual Walk begins on Oct. 1! The Foundation encourages you to raise pledges all month long ahead of embarking on a 5 km walk or run that you can complete anywhere anytime up until the end of the month! Register your personal run/walk and donate here.
THIS WEEK: Celebrate your library during Ontario Public Library Week! Stop by the Renfrew Public Library and fill out a ballot to be entered in an awesome book bundle prize! Winner will be announced on the 28. Head to their website to learn more.
TODAY: Renfrew Public Library hosts Renfrew Reads 2024 author Ian Hamilton at two fun events – an intimate lunch at Manitou Bistro or join the world-famous Hamilton at the library for a presentation, Q&A session, and book signing. Registration required for both events. Contact the library for more information.
TODAY: The Pinnacle of Excellence Business Awards hosted by the Renfrew and Area Chamber of Commerce. Celebrating local businesses in the Townships of Admaston-Bromley, Greater Madawaska, Horton and the Town of Renfrew on Thursday, Oct. 24, at the myFM Centre. Cocktails at 5:30 p.m. Tickets $30. Contact the Chamber office 613-432-4848 ext. 181 or email: info@renfrewareachamber.ca
TOMORROW: Dress Purple Day is on Friday, Oct. 25. Every October, children’s aid societies and Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agencies (child welfare agencies), together with their community partners, raise awareness about the importance of supporting vulnerable children, youth, and families through the provincial Dress Purple Day campaign. All Ontarians are invited to wear something purple to show children, youth, and families that they are here to help!
TOMORROW: It’s Freaky Friday in downtown Renfrew on Oct. 25, hosted by the Downtown Renfrew Business Improvement Area in partnership with the Town of Renfrew. All ghosts, goblins, zombies etc. are invited to trick or treat at downtown businesses night in Downtown Renfrew, drop by Low Square and the Renfrew Legion for the Monster Mash family dance. Events run from 5-8:30 p.m. Please bring a donation for the Renfrew and District Food Bank
Tap or click here for more community events.
Local Sports:
Oct. 26 – Pink the Rink – Cornwall Colts at Renfrew Wolves, 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 27 – Renfrew Wolves at Nepean Raiders, 2:30 p.m.
Oct. 25 – Renfrew Timberwolves at Embrun Panthers, 8 p.m.
Oct. 27 – Pink the Rink – Ottawa Jr. Canadians at Renfrew Timberwolves, 7 p.m.
Have something for the 48? Adding it is easy to do. Click here to get started.