Not all next generation farmers end up taking over the family plot.
Luke Sheldrick and Dana Moores of Terramor Farm in Burnstown returned to his family’s farm in White Lake after a stint of school and work in the city with the idea to lease a small portion of the farm to run their own subscription-based seasonal produce business.
They quickly realized that the arrangement, which meant renting a home off-site, was not the right fit, and the next six months of juggling their jobs and attempts to find a place of their own paid off thanks a wise suggestion from a friend a few years prior.
Luke says the challenges for young farmers looking to break off on their own are growing with the raising cost of everything, but he does encourage the next generation to try leasing or renting space to start their own agricultural business (at least for longer than the one season they ended up doing) so they can build vital farming knowledge and skills.