Chromebooks are now available for students in grades 7-12 through the Renfrew County District School Board. Through the program, each RCDSB-owned device is dedicated to one student for the duration of their time from grades 7-8 and 9-12. Students are able to take their Chromebook home each night, over the weekends, on holidays, and through the summer. Upon graduation or leaving the RCDSB, all Chromebooks will be returned to the school. School board staff say that full-time access to technology is an advantage in managing assignments, and especially useful when students are away from school.
Assignments can be downloaded at school, so home internet is not mandatory.
The deployment effort has been a huge undertaking. Staff in the RCDSB ICT department worked tirelessly over the summer to have thousands of devices loaded and ready with protective cases to mitigate damage.
An FAQ to help answer common feedback is available on the RCDSB website at
(Written by: Kyle Robinson)