The Town of Renfrew is checking another item off their to-do list at Ma-te-Way Park.
A new play structure is being installed to replace the current one, which Recreation Operations Supervisor Randy Smith says has passed its life expectancy.
He adds that town staff wanted to replace the equipment before it became a safety concern. While they did look at moving the current structure to another park in town, they have decided not to due to its current condition.
Meanwhile, Mayor Tom Sidney is calling the new play structure “another great addition to Ma-te-Way Park,” adding that more families will be able to enjoy its accessible features for years to come.
The old play equipment was shut down to the public on Thursday, August 10th, and Smith says the new structure should be fully installed and ready for use by early September.
Town staff also note that all of the park’s other amenities, such as the Rotary Splash Pad, the natural playground, and the skate park, will remain open as usual.
The project has been made possible thanks to a $129,000 grant through the federal government’s Commemorate Canada – Reopening Fund.
(written by Kasey Egan)