The County of Renfrew is considering allowing residential units at the Calabogie Motorsports Park property.
The lands are located 2.3 kilometers east of Calabogie and is approximately 485 hectares (1,198.46 acres).
Warden Peter Emon, who was the chair of planning in Greater Madawaska from 2003 to 2014, says the original plan was for a motorsports park with a community developed around it.
County Planner Bruce Howarth told the Development and Property Committee on Tuesday (February 14th, 2023) the official plan amendment would allow future residential uses to occur on the property as long as certain factors like road access, impact to environment, noise and more are addressed.
Howarth says there’s a potential for condos with garages underneath.
The Development and Property Committee is recommending that County Council approve the official plan amendment at their next meeting.
(written by: Rudy Kadlec)