Renfrew’s Mayor says the Town had it’s fair share of success stories over the past year.
Tom Sidney, who took over for Don Eady after the October election, says things like modernizing senior staff and decision making roles at Town Hall and the focus on improving roads are steps in the right direction.
That being said, Sidney says there have been some learning moments.
Sidney says that they learned from the pandemic as well, and will continue to stream council meetings to their Youtube page for everyone to see despite them being in person again. They’re also set to begin streaming separate committee meetings in the new year.
It’s part of a busy 2023 for Renfrew, as making the most of what the town has to offer is going to be a big focus in the coming years for Council.
With the four-lane highway on the way, Sidney says they’ve already put the wheels in motion on attracting more tourism and economic interest to the town.
Sidney adds that they’ll be “hitting the ground running” on tourism in the new year, focusing on things like improving Renfrew’s two major annual events in the Bluegrass and Craft Beer Festivals.
Town Council is also looking at a third premier event in the new year, with Sidney suggesting they build a winter festival around the Santa Claus parade that would include an evening market in Low Square.
An upcoming committee meeting is set to look into what a possible new event would look like in Renfrew, and Sidney notes that many people in the community have already come forward with interest and ideas.
(written by Kasey Egan)