You know that you’ve become a fixture in town when you develop a fan club.
That’s how it is for Susan Fleming, the First Renfrew Group Commissioner for our local Scouts as well as a Beaver and Cub leader.
Susan has been leading scout groups in Beachburg and Renfrew for the last 31 years and has seen countless kids join and leave the group in that time. She notes that people have stopped her on the street, having recognized her for their time in the Scouts.
That’s not entirely unusual, considering that Susan notes that she’ll often see younger siblings sign up for the program after their older brothers and sisters attend.
It’s been difficult at times to get as many leaders as possible to fill all the open spots in our local Scout program, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, and people who know Sue have called her the glue of the group which has held it together. Sue doesn’t see it that way, however, and credits the team she has for all pushing to keep things going.
Right now, Sue and company are up and running again after some false starts during COVID years and doing what they can to get their Scout Camp ready ahead of next September. They’re hoping a return to business as usual will also allow them more time at the Renfrew Legion and Armouries building, which have been regular spaces for them in the past.