For Marc Letts, helping others and making people happy just comes by nature.
Marc works as a custodian at Renfrew Collegiate Institute, usually cleaning up and making small repairs during the evening. He has also been an important part of the set-up and tear down for the many sporting event the RCI Raiders athletic teams over the years.
While recently his work description has veered away slightly from doing that set-up work, he still plays an active role in helping students with athletics and other extracurriculars. It was that attention to going the extra mile for RCI that recently won Marc the Ontario Teachers Insurance Award for Support Staff Worker of the Year.
Marc is an avid supporter of the Raiders teams and has even been invited to travel and be part of the visitor’s cheering section during events on the road.
While he’s appreciative of the recognition the OTIP award has brought, he’s not doing it for the attention. Marc views helping to make students days just that little bit better as its own reward.