A trip just across the Quebec border and into the wilderness of the Pontiac region could be just the escape you’re looking for.
Sitting opposite of the Ottawa River from Westmeath and Beachburg, Chutes Coulonge Park began as part of Canada’s early log drive industry according to the Park’s Operations Manager, Katrina Soroka. While the white pines of the region are no longer sent down the chutes for processing, a historical park commemorating the families that continue to live in the area and the history of the local logging industry was founded along it.
Major additions in 2008 and 2009 would see an adventure park built to capitalize on the scenic beauty and natural features that are found in the park. The canyon walls provide the perfect base for rock climbing and ziplining, and a number of nature trails and suspended bridges on site offer picturesque views including of the 42-meter waterfall. You can spend the night with a pair of yurts available to rent.
While the main summer season for the Adventure Park is over, they are planning a special treat for the holidays. They’ll host a Festival of Lights on Fridays and Saturdays in December right up to before Christmas, featuring an illuminated trail full of lights and displays.
Soroka says there hasn’t been a lot of attention paid to what is tucked away at the Chutes near Fort-Coulonge, as the park only really began advertising in the past few years. That being said, Soroka does note that more people are starting to come around on just how much a hidden gem Chute Coulonge really is.