It’s a contribution that will put a smile on a student’s face.
Cigi Golden, a local teacher, tells myFM that 100% of the sales from this year’s Smile Cookie Campaign at both Tim Horton’s locations in town will support Teacher Against Poverty in Renfrew.
Taking inspiration from the original TAP program in Arnprior, the Renfrew version of Teachers Against Poverty watches over 10 local schools in Renfrew, Calabogie, and Douglas. Their goal is to help vulnerable students and their families with basic needs.
Golden says that not only do all sales from the cookies this week help local students in need, but letting TAP know you pitched in through facebook, twitter, or instagram could pay dividends.
She also tells us that people looking to support the cause by the boxful should get in contact with Teachers Against Poverty to ensure they get all the cookies they want.
Our local Tim Hortons locations teamed up with Teachers Against Poverty in Renfrew last year as well, raising over $17,500 dollars through the Smile Cookie campaign. Golden tells myFM that they would like to match or better that tally this year, as they expect more parents and students to ask for their help.
The cookies will be on sale for one dollar each from Monday, September 19th to Sunday, September 25th.
(written by Kasey Egan)