Did you know the Ontario Provincial Police has a special crew to combat cannabis?
In the last two years, members of the OPP’s Provincial Joint Forces Cannabis Enforcement Team (PJFCET) have tackled illegal cannabis production, sale and distribution enterprises across Ontario.
The PJFCET is responsible for enforcing the cannabis laws and investigating criminal enterprises.
The team is comprised of OPP officers and members at least eight regional or local police forces.
Stats for the PJ-Fset team are impressive and include executing 152 warrants across Ontario, the seizure of over 180,000 cannabis plants, thousands of pounds of dried cannabis, edibles and concentrates and other illicit drugs, $3.2 million Canadian cash and over $1.8 million in proceeds from crime.
The PJFCET has laid 1,176 federal Cannabis Act and Criminal Code charges.
But it doesn’t stop there.
The OPP continues to work with online platform operators to remove illegal cannabis websites that are selling unsafe and unregulated pot products.