Private establishments in Pikwakanagan can start to reopen tomorrow (May 29th). Council and the Emergency Response Control Group plan to implement a phased in approach to ensure the health and safety of the community and it’s most vulnerable residents. With a few exceptions all establishments have been approved to re-open tentatively on Friday, May 29th.
Businesses are only able to open from 9:00am to 6:00pm between Monday and Saturday and must be closed on Sundays. Bathrooms in these establishments will not be open to the public.
Only five (5) people are allowed in a building at any given time and if physical distancing cannot be maintained that number must be reduced.
Employers are required to provide personal protective equipment to staff, sanitize commonly touched surfaces, discourage cash transactions, encourage customers to wear masks and implement safety measures such as installing plexi-glass barriers.
Employees in Pikwakanagan are to be screened before every shift and sent home immediately if they feel unwell. Signs need to be posted to ensure customers are aware of the physical distancing guidelines and safety protocols and curbside pickup should also be offered.
Campsites, churches, religious or ceremonial gatherings and the Makwa Bingo Hall will all require an individual opening plan.
Get more information about the plan to reopen Pikwakanagan here.