If you’re planning a trip to the Quebec side, you may want to think twice. Quebec police were stationed on the bridge leading to Portage yesterday (Wednesday) and were denying entry to all non-essential travel as well as Ontario residents. The move is hot on the heels of a police presence on the bridges between Ottawa and Gatineau, in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19. A photo on Hello Shawville’s facebook page shows traffic backed up as police deny drivers entrance and they’re forced to turn back. Those who seem to be allowed entrance into Quebec include those who live there, those who are providing humanitarian support, have employment in Quebec or delivering goods as well as those who may be traveling to deal with a legal matter including following court orders or exercising parental custody. It’s unknown at this time if this practice will continue and if it will impact all entry points to the Pontiac through Renfrew County. We’ll continue to update you with details of this developing story as information is released and confirmed.
(photo credit- Hello Shawville)